Friday, May 1, 2015

Yeasted Country Bread with Cornmeal

         Cornmeal, together with lots of whole wheat flour used here makes a very healthy bread.

Recipe from: Martha Rose Shulman
2 teaspoons instant dry yeast (I reduced to 1 teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon sugar
435g (2 cups) lukewarm water
130g (1 cup) unbleached all-purpose flour
300g (2 cups) whole-wheat flour, plus additional as required for kneading
130g (1cup) finely ground cornmeal
2 and 1/4 teaspoon salt ( I reduced to 1 teaspoon)

note: I added 50g raisins
well-risen dough

Method ( refer original for stand mixer method)

To make the sponge
Combine the yeast, sugar and water in a large bowl, stir until dissolved.
Add the all-purpose flour and stir together until smooth.
Cover with cling wrap in a warm area until it turns bubbly, about 30 minutes.
Stir the Cornmeal into the sponge, then add in salt and the remaining flour, a cup at a time, and fold in until you can turn your dough out onto a lightly floured work surface.  Knead until it is smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball. Cover and let it rise in warm area for about 1 1/2 hours, or until doubled in size.
Punch down the dough, shape into a large round. Slash  a X across the top, oil a baking sheet and sprinkle with cornmeal. Place the loaf on the baking sheet and cover with a damp towel. Leave until doubled in size, about 45 minutes to one hour.
Meanwhile, preheat the over to 425F ( 210C)
Bake for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, turn heat down to 400F( 200C). Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the loaf response to tapping with a hollow sound. Remove form the heat and allow to cool on a rack.
I used baking stone to bake this loaf. Also, a metal pan with boiling water was placed in the lowest shelf throughout baking.

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