
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kibbled Wheat Mantou (steamed bun)

I added kibble wheat here.   The first bite is like eating a rice bread.    Next bite, you further get this soft chewy kibbled wheat going in your mouth.  Love it..

I have been reading Bread Bible book and got fascinated with all kinds of starter dough methods used in recipes.  Poolish method is a fairly wet sponge pre-ferment, using one part flour to one part water etc. (weekend bakery)

This brings a flavourful,  nice chewy texture,  perfect to have it as for my burgers or sandwiches.

moist, chewy, soft healthy Mantou

Kibble wheats, grains that are cracked or broken into smaller particles.

Plain flour   400g
Instant dry yeast  4g
Warm milk  416g ( I added more here)
Brown sugar  2 tbsp

Soy flour  80g
Rye flour  80g
Wholemeal flour  160g
Kibble wheats  100g ( I rinsed it with some boiling water, got it steamed for 10 minutes
Oil only for kneading use ( to oil hands, bowls and top of dough for rising ), about 1 tablespoon altogether.

great as burger

1.  Mix yeast, sugar and warm milk in a bowl. Stir well until yeast well dissolved.  Use a large mixing bowl, pour yeast mixture into ingredients A and give it a stir using chopstick, you should get a soft wet dough.  Cover and leave it for a few hours  ( as long as it rises 3 times/ fully matured , that's when you see lots of bubbles appearing on the top of the bowl).

2.  Add ingredient (B) over to Ingredient (A). Stir to mix well. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. Knead and gentle fold for 10 seconds, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Do that twice more, taking a 10 minutes interval each time.

3.  Divide into the sizes you like, I had it140g for each bun as it would be our generous buns.

4.  Let buns rise again for 1 hour.

5  Set up steamer, with rapidly boiling water,  get it steamed for 20 minutes.  Turn off heat, remove buns only after 5 minutes.

Risen well, bubbles appearing everywhere
Ingredient B added into Ingredient A and knead.
Knead and roll into a ball shape

Divided into buns, I had it for 140g each.
They would be our generous burgers.
Burger rolls, sandwich rolls...

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