
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Basic Homemade Noodle

Because I had some important stuff to do, I had to speed up my noodle making, so these slurpy things could have been better than what I have currently. Anyway, for a first attempt, I was quite pleased with the result.

Need to roll dough thinner...
 Patience and a sharp good knife to cut it thin enough..

1000g  plain flour
500g  water ( room temperature cool filter water)
3/4  salt

Roughly stir and mix into loose dough.
 It may look dry at this stage.

10 seconds kneading and 10 minute rest does make a lot of difference here.
Dough is smooth and glossy now.

Now, flatten and roll it out as thin as you can.
 Dust with flour on the bottom and top surfaces generously.

Fold it over like this.

Cut them out, as narrow as you can.
Could have been a thinner sheet, more even and narrow cuts here..

Here you go, I pulled and stretched it longer.
I have 500g per packet, saved one packet in the freezer for later use.

Boil on a high heat.

Rinse in cold tap water.


1.  In a large bowl, mix flour and salt well.  Gradually pour in water, keep stirring it with a chopstick. It should look a little loose and dry.  Cover and leave for 10 minutes.  Knead and fold for 10 seconds, cover and leave for 10 minutes. Do twice more for 10 minute intervals.  By now dough should look glossy and smooth.

2.  Divide into 2 halves.  Cover and set aside one half while working on the other.

3.  Dust with flour generously on the work surface, flatten and roll out the dough, try to roll it as thin as you can.  Dust more flour on sheet, fold in half, dust more flour on the top surface again.  Use a sharp knife and cut them into strips, as narrowly as possible. Sprinkle cornmeal or more flour on noodles to avoid sticking.

Dry noodle

Could this be the Australian native plant too?

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