
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Red Rice Yeast Walnut Mantou

I baked red yeast walnut bread and red yeast buns quite a while ago,  adding red yeast is also what I intended to do with the mantou here.  With this experiment, I added extra red yeast powder to bring out deeper red tone.  Love the texture and the look.

      Plain flour  400g
      Warm milk  240- 250g
      Red yeast rice powder  24g
      Sugar  50g
      Walnut  60g ( broken into small pieces)
      Instant dry yeast  2g
      Oil for kneading use ( about one tablespoon)

beautiful red dough...

flatten it well so you get a beautiful roll

roll it up tight

divide into buns


    1.   Yeast, warm milk and sugar whisked together until yeast is well dissolved.  Cover and leave for 5 to 10 minutes.  When it is becoming frothy, it is ready to be used.

    2.  Mix flour with red rice yeast well.  Pour in yeast mixture.  Next, walnuts added in as well,  stir until it comes to a dough form.

    3.  Cover and leave for 10 minutes.  With oiled hand, light knead and fold for 10 seconds, cover and leave for 10 minutes.  Do this twice more for the 10 minute intervals.  Cover and leave for an hour until it has doubled it's size.

    4.  Deflate gas bubbles, dust working surface with flour, roll out the sheet, flatten it well.  Roll it up tightly like the way you would do to swiss roll, cut them into sizes you prefer.

    5.  Let it rest for an hour.

    6.  Steam for about 25 minutes.  Turn off heat, remove buns out after 5 minutes.

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