
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Never fail Lo Bak Go

Beside this recipe, I have tried and tasted many different Lo Bak Go recipes over the months, I should say this is the best so far and it is just as good as the one in Yum Cha Place.  Good to keep this.

        Recipe from: Fong's kitchen ( slight alteration)
     500g radish
     1200ml water ( inclusive liquid from soaked mushroom / soaked shrimps)
     400g rice flour
     1 and 1/2 tbsp corn flour
     Fried ingredients : mushroom, shrimps, chinese sausages all choped up into small pieces,  lots of    fried shallots and the remainder oil from it.
     2 teaspoons salt
     1 teaspoons chicken essense powder

         note:  there's no indication of salt used in the recipe, the above salt and essence are from my own judgement. 

3 portions of main ingredients:  flour mixture,  shredded radish and filling.

Cook until it gets thickened like these texture here

Steaming is done

Inverted over after several hours.
I normally store in the fridge overnight, it certainly taste even better the next day.

      1.  In a large bowl of 1200ml water, add in both flours, salt and essence.  Stir and mix them well. Set aside.

      2.  Get ready shredded radish and set aside.

      3.  Get ready fried ingredients cooked and set aside.

      4.  Heat up pan with some oil, fried chopped ingredients, set aside.

      5.  Start with 2 tbsp oil, fry the radish, add in 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup water to bring it together.  When it's becoming tender in texture, pour in rice flour mixture (in batches) and constantly stirring until texture become thickened. This has to be done with medium low heat, you don't want to actually cook up the radish or burnt them.   Nearly to the end, add in filling and quite a bit of shallots and shallots oil to moisture and help further soften the texture.  When everything added in and well combined, it's done.

       6.  Transfer onto the greased tin, smoothen top with a tablespoon of oil,  I also wrap the tin with an aluminiam foil.  Meanwhile, with a rapidly steaming boiling water, get it steamed for one hour.

       7.  Let it cool on wire rack when it's done, usually takes a few hours to do so.  Keep it chilled in fridge, best eaten the next day.

       Some useful tips from Fong's Kitchen:
       1.  Use fried shallots oil generously, to help producing smoother and softer texture.
       2.  If you like your radish cake to be very soft, you can reduce rice flour or add more water.

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